Musica Maestro - concerto tragicomico

Auriga Teatro
cirque rue
Musica Maestro - concerto tragicomico
© Roberto Raschellà
Year of creation : 2020 - currently on tour
Duration : 70 min
Target audience : All audiences
without specific language
Type : Fixed | indoor & outdoor
clown, jongl, music, theatre, cirque
Musica Maestro - tragicomic concert There is an orchestra, just like with any traditional concert. There are also guests, just like with any respectable concert. The conductor wields his baton and the orchestra begins to play: violins and violas, cellos and double basses. The three special guests are eagerly awaiting their moment to show off their skills as excellent musicians, singers and even dancers. But not everything will go as expected, between ruinous failures, hilarious gags and unpredictable twists. A tragicomic classical music concert, as never before. An hour of laughter and fun in which the audience is no longer mere spectator, but becomes the co-star of the show. A one-of-a-kind show, which breaks all conventional schemes, eliminates distances between actors, musicians and spectators and brings together different types of audience: from classical music lovers to theater lovers, as well as capturing those who have always been strangers to these worlds. A journey into music and theater, between imaginary worlds, charlatan conductors, improvised dancers, fearless musicians, dreamlike chases and aspiring singers. Three impertinent characters will involve the audience in a surreal evening for an interactive, comic and original experience. So let the show begin... Musica, Maestro! "I haven't had so much fun in years. Skillful comic rhythms, expert clowning, musical knowledge. Elegance and immediacy. Amazing." -Audience at "La città come palcoscenico e altri mondi" festival, Pavia, Italy. "Hilarious, sensational, absolutely extraordinary! A theater made of rhythm, play, irony, good taste. Anyone who thinks classical music is boring should see their show." -Malva Bogliotti, Artistic Director's Oltrepop Festival and Porter Teatro. "A hilarious combination. Literally, you laugh so hard until you cry. Bravo!" -Audience, MusicArte Festival, Varese, Italy

Additional information and links

Spettacolo finalista Premio Takimiri e Vincitore Premio Giuria dei Bambini del Premio Takimiri al Clown & Clown Festival 2021. Attori: Veronica Del Vecchio, Lorenzo Marchi, Andrea Tettamanti. Direttore d’orchestra: M° Roberto Scordia. Orchestra opzioni: a) 10 orchestrali: 5 violini, 2 viole, 2 violoncelli, 1 contrabbasso; b) Quintetto: 2 violini, 1 viola, 1 violoncello, 1 contrabbasso. c) Quartetto: 2 violini, 1 viola, 1 violoncello. Lo spettacolo può essere rappresentato in collaborazione con orchestre ed ensemble musicali locali. ENG: Show finalist and children's jury award winner at Takimiri Prize at Clown&Clown Festival 2021 Actors: Veronica Del Vecchio, Lorenzo Marchi, Andrea Tettamanti. Orchestra's option: a) Ensemble of 10 musicians (5 violins, 2 violas, 2 cellos, 1 double bass, director); b) Quintet (2 violins, 1 viola, 1 cello, 1 double bass); c) Quartet (2 violins, 1 viola, 1 cello). Collaboration with local orchestra is possible and highly recommended. FR: Spectacle finaliste au Prix Takimiri et gagnant Prix Jury des Enfants du Prix Takimiri 2021 – Clown&Clown festival Acteurs: Veronica Del Vecchio, Lorenzo Marchi, Andrea Tettamanti; Option d'orchestre: a)orchestre de 10 musiciens (5 violons, 2 violes, 2 violoncelles, 1 contrebasse; + chef) b)quintette (2 violons, 1 viole, 1 violoncelle , 1 contrebasse) c) quatour (2 violons, 1 viole, 1 violoncelle). Une collaboration avec musiciens et orchestres locaux est possible et fortement recommandée.

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