The Game of Nibelungen

Cie du Botte-Cul
The Game of Nibelungen
© Vincent Guignet
Year of creation : 2022 - currently on tour
Duration : 45 min
Target audience : adult audience
Type : Fixed | indoor
In fact, the show is in German but for a French-speaking audience! Imagine yourself, one evening, sneaking into a school, even your old school. In the classroom, a German teacher. A nightmare? Nope, the most delirious and explosive German lesson experience of your life! You don't speak German? Well, that's just as well! The less German you speak, the better this show is for you! Fights with protractors and swords or epic battles with stacks of paper will overcome all language barriers. Laura Gambarini, directed by Manu Moser, offers a "gesticulated literature" experience of a medieval Germanic classic, the Nibelungen! Using raw object theatre, this playful and immersive show is a modest dent in the Röstigraben*... "Deutsch is coming"....

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FT sur demande. Spectacle très léger au niveau technique. 1-2 personnes en tournée. Il se joue en salle de classe pour un public adulte.

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