© Audrey Launaz
Year of creation : 2021 - possible revival
Duration : 50 min
Target audience : All audiences
Type : Fixed, under the big top | indoor
Clowning, Dance, Juggling, Theater, Object theater
The idea for this show came from thoughts about the world of work. Its madness, its constraints, its norms, its advantages and its disadvantages. At a time when our social status is mainly defined by our assets, it tends to ask the question of how our work defines us, portrays us and allows us to be well or poorly regarded by society. But what if we change the prism through which we look? What if a cleaner, by chance, stepped into the world of digital trading and realised that he too could be seen as someone who matters and not as a 'mere' cleaner, forced into the rank and social status of a lowly worker. Deep down, he would still be the same person... But in terms of appearance? In other people's eyes?

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