
Josh & Cloé
© Jules Perera
Anno di creazione : 2023 - attualmente in tournée
Durata : 50 min
Pubblico di riferimento : Per tutti
francese, Tedesco, Inglese, Deutsch or English oû Français*NIM
Tipo : Fisso | interno ed esterno
Arti marziali, Acrobazie tra partner, Teatro fisico
Good and bad, right and wrong, affection and aversion. As these examples show, many views automatically contain the respective opposites. There can be no left without a right. Every day we are stimulated to develop preferences, to evaluate things or even to take a political stance. This is how binary patterns of thought and action can develop, which are often not consciously expressed or reflected upon. But what happens when we become aware of them and break away from the extremes? Inspired by the dance of the dervishes and Qi Gong, Josh and Cloé approach this question by combining physical theatre, partner acrobatics and martial arts. A moving performance with transformations between opposites and flowing dance acrobatics.

Informazioni aggiuntive e link

2-3 Personen (2 Artisten, 1 Techniker:in) ca. 6*8m Platz 4.5m Deckenhöhe Lautsprecher evtl. Lichttechnik Premiere 18.11.23 20:00 K-Haus Basel