The Grannies
© Abigail Denniston
Anno di creazione : 2022 - attualmente in tournée
Durata : 30 min
Pubblico di riferimento : Per tutti
senza lingua specifica
Tipo : Fisso, Perambulation, Tra-out (Entre-sort), sotto il tendone | esterno
Acrobatica, Pagliaccio, Slapstick*, Acrodanse, Danza contemporanea, Interdisciplinaire*, Teatro fisico
A bit bored by what life holds in stock for them, Billie and Frieda make their own means out of the time they have left. They follow their desires, dreams and are still exploring their sexuality. Two older women share experiences of their wild and profound lives. Bringing back their skills to the stage, they show off their acrobatic tricks and creatively use their sticks for much more than just a help for walking. An interactive performance that speaks to people of all ages. The two old ladies manage to surprise pedestrians, evoke funny irritations, and interrupt the rhythm of the public. They inspire the public to get up and ask people to help them cross obstacles. They flirt, they provoke, they are shameless - but always end up putting a smile on people’s faces. Older women are represented in a bold, wild way enjoying the advantages of being old.

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